Our specialist motor finance team - Krish Appiah and Jessica Peaks, recently completed a Hire Purchase (HP) finance deal for a brand new Lamborghini Hurcan Tecnica with a total cash value of £204,000. Krish and Jess were able to use our comprehensive 125+ lending panel to put together an HP Finance Deal consisting of an initial deposit, 48 affordable monthly payments with an optional balloon payment at the end of the agreement. The benefit of this HP structure is that it allows you to have complete control over the agreement as you can decide the deposit amount and the repayment term. HP also enables you to own the car at the end of the contract. An optional balloon payment can be added to the end of the agreement, which will cut the monthly payment costs if needed. Then further finance options can be available once the balloon payment is due including refinance. Information should be used as a guide only and is not guaranteed for every situation as the interest rates and residual values can fluctuate regularly. The figures provided were specific to the actual client on 08//06/2023. Subject to terms and conditions, as well as full underwriting, personal circumstances and client profile. The reality of owning your dream car may be close than you think! If you would like to discuss your options then please do not hesitate to get in contact with our specialist motor finance team at 01908 429888 or email at either krish@approved-finance.co.uk or Jessica@approved-finance.co.uk #approvedmotorfinance #approvedbusinessfinance#motorfinance #carfinance #vehcilefinance #supercarfinance#hirepurchase #personlacontractpurchase #pcp #refinance #lamborghinihurican #lamborghini#supercar #luxurycar #lamborghinihuricantechnical #lambo #lamborghinitechnical